5-Day Getaway to Greece

This form:

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/cgi-bin/my_cart.pl">
<FONT FACE="verdana" SIZE=-1 COLOR=#000000>
<B>5-Day Getaway to Greece<BR></B>
<i>(As seen in our brochure. Package #287a)</i><BR>
<B>Price: $1,999 for one person; $2,999 per couple</B><BR>
Air fare and hotel accommodations included. See brochure for complete details.
<table border=0 CELLPADDING=10 CELLSPACING=0> <tr> <td> <img src="http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/images/greek_vacation.jpg"> </td> <td> <INPUT TYPE=RADIO name=custom3 value="1 person" checked><FONT FACE="verdana" SIZE=-1 COLOR=#000000>One person</font><BR> <INPUT TYPE=RADIO name=custom3 value="2 people $2999"><FONT FACE="verdana" SIZE=-1 COLOR=#000000>Two people</font> </td> </tr> </table> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=name VALUE="5-Day Getaway to Greece"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=price VALUE="1999"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=sh VALUE="1"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=img VALUE="greek_vacation.jpg"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=continue_shopping VALUE="http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/demo.html"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=product_details VALUE="http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/demo.html"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom2 VALUE="Enjoy five days and five nights in beautiful Greece."> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom1 VALUE="Package #287a"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom4 VALUE="#noshipping#"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom5 VALUE="#nodiscount#"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom6 VALUE="Once your package is paid for, we will send you an email with the complete reservation form."> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="add" VALUE="1"> <INPUT TYPE=IMAGE NAME="add" SRC="http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/images/bluereservation.gif" border=0 alt="Click to place reservation"> </FORM>
Makes this:

5-Day Getaway to Greece
(As seen in our brochure. Package #287a)
Price: $1,999 for one person; $2,999 per couple
Air fare and hotel accommodations included. See brochure for complete details.
One person
Two people

Notes about this form:

  • This product form has six pieces of custom product data, "custom1" up to "custom6". You can use as many pieces of custom product data as you want. Each piece of product data needs to be in a tag with a number after the word "custom". For example "NAME=custom35":
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom35 VALUE="This is another piece of product data that will end up in the description column of the cart.">
  • The name of the item is found in the NAME=name tag:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=name VALUE="5-Day Getaway to Greece">
    The name of the product "5-Day Getaway to Greece" will appear in the first column under "Item:" on the cart contents page.
  • This form uses a graphic submit button. The trick for using a graphic submit button is to use two tags intead of one. For example:
    <INPUT TYPE=IMAGE NAME="add" SRC="http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/images/bluereservation.gif" border=0 alt="Click to place reservation">
    Notice there is a separate "add" tag with a value of 1. This tag needs to be included with the IMAGE tag in order to use a custom graphic submit button.
  • This form uses radio buttons to send the shopper's vacation package choice to the cart. If the shopper chooses "Two people", $1,000 is added to the price of the package. This is a demonstration of the special "custom price override" feature of the cart. This feature can be enabled or disabled in "General Settings Variable #61" of your vars.txt file. If this feature is enabled, then you can have a custom option in your form override the price of an item. This special custom price override must be passed to the cart in one of the "custom" tags of your form. In this case:
    <INPUT TYPE=RADIO name=custom3 value="2 people $2999">
    This feature is triggered if the custom option chosen by the shopper contains a currency symbol '$' followed by a number, with no spaces in between. (as shown in the tag above)
    It is possible to include a currency symbol followed by a number in your custom product descriptions and NOT have the price overrided. To do that, you would just need to include a #no_custom_price_override# tag in your product form. For example:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom8 VALUE="#no_custom_price_override#">
    The cart would then treat the $2999 as just a product description, not a price override. See "General Settings Variable #61" in the Readme for complete details.
  • Notice that all forms begin with an ACTION tag that includes the URL to the cart.pl script, and end with a closing </FORM> tag.
    Beginning of form: <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/cgi-bin/my_cart.pl">
    End of form: </FORM>
    Note: The URL of the cart.pl script in the ACTION tag should always be a full URL and it should always exactly match the URL to the cart that you have in Server Variable #1 of the vars.txt file:
    1 Full URL location to cart.pl script -->http://www.bluegalaxy.info/webshopsolution/cgi-bin/my_cart.pl
  • Note that "custom4" has a special #noshipping# tag:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom4 VALUE="#noshipping#">
    When #noshipping# is passed to the cart in the value of a custom tag as shown here (VALUE="#noshipping#"), the cart will exclude this product from all normal shipping calculations. This product will be exempt from shipping and will not affect the shipping total for the order.
  • Note that "custom5" has a special #nodiscount# tag:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom5 VALUE="#nodiscount#">
    When #nodiscount# is passed to the cart in the value of a custom tag as shown here (VALUE="#nodiscount#"), the cart will exclude this product from all normal discount calculations. This product will be exempt from discounts for this order.

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