PHP: How to output text, variables, and HTML markup using print and echo

In PHP there are two ways to “print” HTML markup, text, and variables, using print and echo. These are essentially interchangeable, though print is slower, so best practice is to use echo. “print” has a return value of 1 (so it can be used in expressions), while “echo” does not.  print can take one argument, while echo can take multiple arguments.

This code demonstrates how both echo and print work interchangeably. It also shows how to print a mixture of HTML markup, text, and variable data in PHP.

$txt1 = "Using echo";
$txt2 = "";
$x = 89;
$y = 10;

echo "<h3>" . $txt1 . "</h3>";
echo $txt2 . " is a good place to test PHP code.<br>";
echo "89 x 10 = ". $x * $y;

$txt1 = "Using print";
$txt2 = "";
$x = 45;
$y = 8;

print "<h3>" . $txt1 . "</h3>";
print $txt2 . " is a good place to test PHP code.<br>";
print "45 x 8 = ". $x * $y;

Which yields:

Using echo is a good place to test PHP code.
89 x 10 = 890

Using print is a good place to test PHP code.
45 x 8 = 360


This code demonstrates that echo can output multiple comma separated arguments:

echo "This ", "string ", "was ", "made ", "with multiple parameters.";

which yields:

This string was made with multiple parameters.

However, print does not support multiple arguments. PHP will give an error when it sees a comma as an argument to print. For example:

print "This ", "string ", "was ", "made ", "with multiple parameters.";


FATAL ERROR syntax error, unexpected ',' on line number 2

For more information about print and echo see: