Vue.js: How to make an identicon generator

In this article, I will show how to create an identicon generator using Vue.js in codepen. First of all, an identicon is a graphical image that is generated by text input. This is useful as a substitute for photo images for site users.

For example, when I type “Chris Nielsen Code Walk”, the identicon generator creates the image seen here:

The identicon is generated via an external library called “jdenticon”. In codepen, we first need to go to the JS settings and pull in two libraries:

These can be found by clicking the settings icon next to JS and typing in “jdenticon” or “vue” and selecting one of the CDN results. For example:

Starting with the HTML section in codepen, all we need for this Vue.js app is a single div with the id of the app. For example:

<div id="app"></div>

The rest of the code will be in the JavaScript section. First we need a new Vue constructor:

new Vue({


Then we need to tell Vue what div in the HTML to target. This can be done with an el: 'target'. For example:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',


In the Vue constructor, we can set up our data object, methods, computed section, and template. For example:

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: { // key-value pairs
    textInput: ''
  computed: { // Turn our data into viewable values with these functions
    identicon: function() {
      return jdenticon.toSvg(this.textInput, 200);
  methods: { // Use these functions to change data
    onInput: function(event) {
      // console.log(;
      this.textInput =;
  template: `
      <h3>Identicon Generator</h3>
        <input v-on:input="onInput"/>
        <!-- The above line is a vue "directive" -->
        <!-- v-on = event handler -->
        <!-- The event is input -->
        <!-- onInput is the vue method that is called -->

        <!-- {{ identicon }} -->
        <div v-html="identicon"></div>

The complete app can be seen in my codepen:

See the Pen Vue Identicon Generator by Chris Nielsen (@Chris_Nielsen) on CodePen.dark