Handlebars supports multiple templates in the same Single Page Application. To use templates with Handlebars, you must define a template id in the opening Handlebars script tag. For example, in this case the name of the template is “verse-set-grid”:
<script id="verse-set-grid" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
The pattern for a template is:
<!-- 1. Opening script tag with the name of the template set in the id --> <script id="verse-set-grid" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> <!-- 2. The body of the template where all of the Handlebars substitutions are made. --> ... ... <!-- 3. The closing script tag --> </script>
Here is a complete template example. Inside the < script > tags is the handlebars template definition. Somewhere else on the page, in this case following the template definition, is the target div (called “verse-set-grid” ). When the handlebars template is compiled it will be placed inside the specified target div.
<!-- BEGIN verse-set-grid template --> <script id="verse-set-grid" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> {{#each this}} <div class="verse-set" id="{{setID}}"> <div class="verse-set-header"><span>{{setTitle}}</span></div> <div class="verse-set-box"> <ul> {{#each verses}} <li>{{verseRef}}<div class="view-verse-text">{{verseText}}</div> {{/each}} </ul> </div> <div class="play-button">Play This Set</div> </div> {{/each}} </script> <!-- END verse-set-grid template --> <!-- Target div: this is where the handlebars template will appear on the page --> <div class="verse-set-grid"></div>
Now the second part of getting templates to work in Handlebars is the behind the scenes steps in JavaScript.
Step 1: Access the template via jQuery
Notice the jQuery selector here is targeting the template ID “verse-set-grid”, not the div class with the same name:
let verseSetsGrid = $('#verse-set-grid').html();
Step 2: Compile the template with Handlebars.compile
let verseSetsGridCompiled = Handlebars.compile(verseSetsGrid);
Step 3: Get the data that Handlebars will use for the template substitutions
let verseSetsData = [] let verseSetsData = JSON.parse(result)
Step 4: Pass the data to the compiled Handlebars object, which then places it in a new html variable
let html = verseSetsGridCompiled(verseSetsData);
Step 5: Use jQuery to place the updated html back into the template DOM
Notice the selector target here is the ‘.verse-set-grid’ class, not id! This is the div that contains the verse-set-grid template.
All five steps together looks like this:
// Step 1 let verseSetsGrid = $('#verse-set-grid').html(); // Step 2 let verseSetsGridCompiled = Handlebars.compile(verseSetsGrid); // Step 3 let verseSetsData = [] // This is an AJAX query that calls a PHP function to return MySQL query results $.get(cardSets, args, function(result) { let verseSetsData = JSON.parse(result) // Step 4 let html = verseSetsGridCompiled(verseSetsData); // Step 5 $('.verse-set-grid').html(html); });
For more information about Handlebars templates, see: