In addition to if, for, and while loops, Kotlin also has a control flow option called when. The ‘when’ expression acts just like a switch operator you might see in other languages. The basic structure looks like this: Some notes about this switch structure: The first line uses the key word when followed by a … Continue reading Kotlin: How to use the ‘when’ expression
Month: January 2020
Kotlin: How to use .filter( ), ‘it’ key word, and arrow ‘->’ operator
Kotlin’s built-in .filter() function is meant to iterate through any iterable collection type, (lists, sets, or maps) and check each element of the collection against some criteria (aka “predicate”). If the element matches the predicate, meaning the boolean result is true, then the element is added to a result collection of the same type that … Continue reading Kotlin: How to use .filter( ), ‘it’ key word, and arrow ‘->’ operator
Kotlin: How to understand the not-null assertion operator (!!)
The Kotlin “not-null assertion operator” is expressed as two exclamation points. !! that appear at the end of a variable name. For example: myVariable!! Here is what the Kotlin documentation says about this operator: Here is what I learned about the not-null assertion operator after a little bit of experimentation: The difference between b and … Continue reading Kotlin: How to understand the not-null assertion operator (!!)
Git: How to clear github repo commit history
I had a repo on github that was set to private because the database connection details were exposed in the code. I recently added some code which moved the sensitive database connection details to an outside file so that the repo could be changed from private to public. However, after setting the repo to public … Continue reading Git: How to clear github repo commit history
How to use the Linux od command (Octal Dump)
I was in a command terminal “bash” window on my Mac and I tried to run this curl command to get a security token from a web service api:curl -d “Username=mywebsite&Password=password” -X POST However, my curl command failed with the message “curl: no URL specified!”. For example: My curl command appeared to be perfect, … Continue reading How to use the Linux od command (Octal Dump)
Python and Kotlin: A comparison of the language basics
In this table I will compare some basic programming syntax and conventions between the Python and Kotlin programming languages. Programming element Python Kotlin Commenting code: # This is a comment // This is a comment Multi-line comments: “”” This is a comment. This is a comment, too. This is a comment, too. “”” /* This … Continue reading Python and Kotlin: A comparison of the language basics