I was in a command terminal “bash” window on my Mac and I tried to run this curl command to get a security token from a web service api:curl -d “Username=mywebsite&Password=password” -X POST https://dev-warehouseapi.somewebsiteservice.com/api/Token However, my curl command failed with the message “curl: no URL specified!”. For example: My curl command appeared to be perfect, … Continue reading How to use the Linux od command (Octal Dump)
PHP: How to output text, variables, and HTML markup using print and echo
In PHP there are two ways to “print” HTML markup, text, and variables, using print and echo. These are essentially interchangeable, though print is slower, so best practice is to use echo. “print” has a return value of 1 (so it can be used in expressions), while “echo” does not. print can take one argument, … Continue reading PHP: How to output text, variables, and HTML markup using print and echo