This article describes a couple of useful plug-ins for the Atom code editor. In order to install the “minimap” and “file-icons” packages, you can follow the same package installation instructions that were used for the “data-atom” package found in this previous article:
Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom
Once installed, the packages will appear like this in your list of installed packages (Settings –> Packages):
The minimap package is great in that it generates a zoomed out view of the code in your file that acts as a high level scroll. If you remember visually what section of code you were working on in the minimap, you can use the minimap to quickly scroll back to that area. Here is what the minimap looks like in Atom:
The file-icons package provides nice color coded icons for each of the files listed under a project. The icons appear to the left of each file name. For example:
For more information about these Atom plug-ins, see: