I had a repo on github that was set to private because the database connection details were exposed in the code. I recently added some code which moved the sensitive database connection details to an outside file so that the repo could be changed from private to public. However, after setting the repo to public … Continue reading Git: How to clear github repo commit history
Technologies and Tools
How to use the Linux od command (Octal Dump)
I was in a command terminal “bash” window on my Mac and I tried to run this curl command to get a security token from a web service api:curl -d “Username=mywebsite&Password=password” -X POST https://dev-warehouseapi.somewebsiteservice.com/api/Token However, my curl command failed with the message “curl: no URL specified!”. For example: My curl command appeared to be perfect, … Continue reading How to use the Linux od command (Octal Dump)
MongoDB: How to install mongodb-community on Mac and run on localhost
The goal of this article is to show how to get mongodb-community to run on a Mac at localhost:27017. This assumes that Homebrew has already been installed on your Mac machine. Using a terminal or bash window, start with the following brew command:brew tap mongodb/brew In this screenshot, I used this command after I already … Continue reading MongoDB: How to install mongodb-community on Mac and run on localhost
How to test production code with Chrome Developer Tools “overrides” feature
Let’s say you are tracking down a bug where a page on the live site behaves differently than the same page in the local environment. There is a way to run tests of the live code via Chrome Developer Tools that does not require pushing test code to production. It is called “overrides”: Step 1: … Continue reading How to test production code with Chrome Developer Tools “overrides” feature
Git: How to create and use a .gitignore file on Windows
If you have a project that you have git enabled, but you don’t want git to track all of the files in the project folder (perhaps because you don’t want all files to be uploaded to github), you can tell Git to ignore certain files, file types, or sub-directories by creating a “.gitignore” file in … Continue reading Git: How to create and use a .gitignore file on Windows
Atom: How to enable minimap and file-icons extensions
This article describes a couple of useful plug-ins for the Atom code editor. In order to install the “minimap” and “file-icons” packages, you can follow the same package installation instructions that were used for the “data-atom” package found in this previous article: Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom … Continue reading Atom: How to enable minimap and file-icons extensions
Windows Command Line: How to create a directory listing
This article details how to create a plain text directory listing on Windows, using the Windows command prompt. To open a Windows command prompt in Windows 10, simply type “cmd” in the Windows search bar. Once the Command Prompt is open, use the ‘cd’ command to change to the directory you want to get a … Continue reading Windows Command Line: How to create a directory listing
Atom: How to enable and style editor scrollbars
To enable scrollbars in the Atom code editor, you will need to open and edit Atom’s styles.less file. This can be done by clicking File –> Stylesheet… For example: Step 1: Open the Atom styles.less file for editing Step 2: Paste the following webkit-scrollbar code Here is the code that can be pasted: .scrollbars-visible-always … Continue reading Atom: How to enable and style editor scrollbars
Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom
In this article, I will demonstrate how to run queries from within Atom using a package called ‘Data Atom’. Step 1: Install Data Atom package Warning: Before attempting to install any packages in Atom, make sure you disable any real-time virus or malware protection programs you have running, such as Malwarebytes. In the Atom Settings … Continue reading Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom
MongoDB: How to get up and running in less than 5 minutes (on Windows)
MongoDB is a “NoSQL” (non-relational) data store of documents that have no predefined schema, where data is stored as a series of JSON objects. The concept of the relational database where there is a database that has tables which are made up of columns and rows, is replaced by the MongoDB concept of a database … Continue reading MongoDB: How to get up and running in less than 5 minutes (on Windows)