How to use the Linux od command (Octal Dump)

I was in a command terminal “bash” window on my Mac and I tried to run this curl command to get a security token from a web service api:curl -d “Username=mywebsite&Password=password” -X POST However, my curl command failed with the message “curl: no URL specified!”. For example: My curl command appeared to be perfect, … Continue reading How to use the Linux od command (Octal Dump)

MongoDB: How to install mongodb-community on Mac and run on localhost

The goal of this article is to show how to get mongodb-community to run on a Mac at localhost:27017. This assumes that Homebrew has already been installed on your Mac machine. Using a terminal or bash window, start with the following brew command:brew tap mongodb/brew In this screenshot, I used this command after I already … Continue reading MongoDB: How to install mongodb-community on Mac and run on localhost

How to test production code with Chrome Developer Tools “overrides” feature

Let’s say you are tracking down a bug where a page on the live site behaves differently than the same page in the local environment. There is a way to run tests of the live code via Chrome Developer Tools that does not require pushing test code to production. It is called “overrides”: Step 1: … Continue reading How to test production code with Chrome Developer Tools “overrides” feature

Atom: How to enable minimap and file-icons extensions

This article describes a couple of useful plug-ins for the Atom code editor. In order to install the “minimap” and “file-icons” packages, you can follow the same package installation instructions that were used for the “data-atom” package found in this previous article: Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom … Continue reading Atom: How to enable minimap and file-icons extensions

Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom

In this article, I will demonstrate how to run queries from within Atom using a package called ‘Data Atom’. Step 1: Install Data Atom package Warning: Before attempting to install any packages in Atom, make sure you disable any real-time virus or malware protection programs you have running, such as Malwarebytes. In the Atom Settings … Continue reading Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom

MongoDB: How to get up and running in less than 5 minutes (on Windows)

MongoDB is a “NoSQL” (non-relational) data store of documents that have no predefined schema, where data is stored as a series of JSON objects. The concept of the relational database where there is a database that has tables which are made up of columns and rows, is replaced by the MongoDB concept of a database … Continue reading MongoDB: How to get up and running in less than 5 minutes (on Windows)