Continuing the series on how to create a web browser game of Pong using JavaScript, this post will show how to add some graphical components to the game, such as the right and left paddles, ball, net and score placeholders. Part 2 is here: JavaScript: Intro to Web Game Development – Part 2: canvasContext with … Continue reading JavaScript: Intro to Web Game Development – Part 3: add graphical components
Month: December 2017
JavaScript: Intro to Web Game Development – Part 2: canvasContext with rounded corners
This is Part 2 of the series where I walk through the steps to create a Pong game in the web browser using JavaScript. Part 1 is here: JavaScript: Intro to Web Game Development – Part 1: canvas element In this step, I will create the black background for the pong game, but instead of … Continue reading JavaScript: Intro to Web Game Development – Part 2: canvasContext with rounded corners
JavaScript: Intro to Web Game Development – Part 1: canvas element
For this series, I am going to detail how to use JavaScript to create a web based browser game by going step by step through all of the concepts involved in creating the game of Pong. I will be using parts of the tutorial written by Chris DeLeon, but greatly expanding on and customizing his … Continue reading JavaScript: Intro to Web Game Development – Part 1: canvas element
p5.js: A better (web based) IDE
Since writing my article about getting started with p5.js: p5.js: Getting Started I have since found a better Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for p5.js which also happens to be web based. This IDE is flexible, updated, and fast enough such that it is fun to experiment and save multiple project iterations easily. The web IDE … Continue reading p5.js: A better (web based) IDE
p5.js: How to rotate 3D objects on the X, Y, and Z axis
On the 2D plain of a browser window p5.js can represent 3D space using WEBGL. This is specified as the third argument to the createCanvas() function in the setup portion of the sketch: createCanvas(400, 300, WEBGL); Here is some code that demonstrates how to rotate a 2D rectangle on the X axis, using rotateX(), which … Continue reading p5.js: How to rotate 3D objects on the X, Y, and Z axis
Data Science: How to calculate confusion matrix
In Data Science, the confusion matrix is a measure of the health of a model. In particular, it helps to measure the performance of a supervised learning model. For this article, I will detail how to create a confusion matrix for a binary classification model both manually and using an sklearn built-in function called metrics.confusion_matrix. … Continue reading Data Science: How to calculate confusion matrix
How to use Git and Github
What is Git? According to the GIT software website: Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, … Continue reading How to use Git and Github
Ruby on Rails: How to install Ruby on Windows
This article has instructions for installation of Ruby on Windows 10. 1. Go to the Ruby downloads page and click the “Download” button: 2. Click the Ruby Installer link which should take you here: 3. Click the Download button, which leads here: (or skip the first two steps and go straight here!) … Continue reading Ruby on Rails: How to install Ruby on Windows
Python and Ruby: A comparison of the language basics
In this table I will compare some basic programming syntax and conventions between the Python and Ruby programming languages. Programming element Python Ruby Commenting code: Both use the pound # sign. # This is a comment # This is a comment Multi-line comments: “”” This is a comment. This is a comment, too. This is … Continue reading Python and Ruby: A comparison of the language basics
JavaScript: How to install JavaScript kernel in Jupyter Notebook
It is possible to run JavaScript (Node.js in REPL mode) in a Jupyter Notebook on a Windows machine. In order to do so, you will need to install the JavaScript (Node.js) kernel. This can be done easily assuming Node.js, npm, and Jupyter Notebook are already installed on your machine. The following instructions are for adding … Continue reading JavaScript: How to install JavaScript kernel in Jupyter Notebook