Meteor: How to install Meteor and get a project started in less than 5 minutes

In this article, I want to detail how to install Meteor and get a project quickly up and running.   Step 1: Install Meteor In order to install Meteor, the first step according to the installation instructions is to install a tool called “chocolatey”. This can be installed with a cmd.exe command. Once that … Continue reading Meteor: How to install Meteor and get a project started in less than 5 minutes

JavaScript: How to use the conditional ternary operator

In addition to “normal” comparison operators (see the links below), JavaScript has a unique comparison operator that can assign values rather than just return a boolean true or false. This is called the “Conditional (Ternary) Operator”.  It follows this syntactical construction: variablename = (condition) ? value1 : value2 The question mark means: If the condition … Continue reading JavaScript: How to use the conditional ternary operator