Meteor: How to install Meteor and get a project started in less than 5 minutes

In this article, I want to detail how to install Meteor and get a project quickly up and running.   Step 1: Install Meteor In order to install Meteor, the first step according to the installation instructions is to install a tool called “chocolatey”. This can be installed with a cmd.exe command. Once that … Continue reading Meteor: How to install Meteor and get a project started in less than 5 minutes

MongoDB: How to get up and running in less than 5 minutes (on Windows)

MongoDB is a “NoSQL” (non-relational) data store of documents that have no predefined schema, where data is stored as a series of JSON objects. The concept of the relational database where there is a database that has tables which are made up of columns and rows, is replaced by the MongoDB concept of a database … Continue reading MongoDB: How to get up and running in less than 5 minutes (on Windows)

MySQL: How to install a test database and confirm the installation

Now that I have installed PHP and MySQL: How to install PHP/MySQL and confirm the installation I wanted to start using MySQL so I searched for a sample database full of data that I could install for testing. I found this “Employee Sample Database” on the website: The instructions for installation: led … Continue reading MySQL: How to install a test database and confirm the installation

How to install PHP/MySQL and confirm the installation

The quickest way I found to install PHP and MySQL was to download the Bitnami WAMP stack module, which also installs a fresh Apache 2 server. See: The installer I found for Windows 10 was called “bitnami-wampstack-7.1.14-0-windows-x64-installer.exe”. In running the installation, Bitnami creates a folder for apache2, php, and mysql here: C:\Bitnami\wampstack-7.1.14-0 Bitnami also … Continue reading How to install PHP/MySQL and confirm the installation