Let’s say you have a situation where you need to read JSON data from an API and you don’t have plug-in credentials to access the API directly, but you can see the JSON data that is output from the API on a page. In this case, you can still get the data if you “scrape” … Continue reading JavaScript: How to call a Python script and get the results via jQuery
Handlebars: How to use templates
Handlebars supports multiple templates in the same Single Page Application. To use templates with Handlebars, you must define a template id in the opening Handlebars script tag. For example, in this case the name of the template is “verse-set-grid”: <script id=”verse-set-grid” type=”text/x-handlebars-template”> The pattern for a template is: <!– 1. Opening script tag with the … Continue reading Handlebars: How to use templates
JavaScript: Intro to AJAX
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. The basic concept is to use JavaScript and combine the fetching of XML (or JSON) data and make that data appear in some location of a web page without the page ever having been refreshed. This allows for dynamic content in an otherwise static page. w3schools.com describes it … Continue reading JavaScript: Intro to AJAX