The first thing we want to do when getting ready to code in node.js is make sure that Node and NPM are installed on our machine. Start by opening a command window and type the command node -v. Then check to confirm that NPM is installed also using the command npm -v: Once that is … Continue reading Node.js: How to write node.js code locally and test using the command line
Atom: How to enable minimap and file-icons extensions
This article describes a couple of useful plug-ins for the Atom code editor. In order to install the “minimap” and “file-icons” packages, you can follow the same package installation instructions that were used for the “data-atom” package found in this previous article: Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom … Continue reading Atom: How to enable minimap and file-icons extensions
Atom: How to enable and style editor scrollbars
To enable scrollbars in the Atom code editor, you will need to open and edit Atom’s styles.less file. This can be done by clicking File –> Stylesheet… For example: Step 1: Open the Atom styles.less file for editing Step 2: Paste the following webkit-scrollbar code Here is the code that can be pasted: .scrollbars-visible-always … Continue reading Atom: How to enable and style editor scrollbars
Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom
In this article, I will demonstrate how to run queries from within Atom using a package called ‘Data Atom’. Step 1: Install Data Atom package Warning: Before attempting to install any packages in Atom, make sure you disable any real-time virus or malware protection programs you have running, such as Malwarebytes. In the Atom Settings … Continue reading Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom