AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. The basic concept is to use JavaScript and combine the fetching of XML (or JSON) data and make that data appear in some location of a web page without the page ever having been refreshed. This allows for dynamic content in an otherwise static page. w3schools.com describes it … Continue reading JavaScript: Intro to AJAX
WordPress: How to create an iframe refresh button
Let’s say you have an interactive canvas loaded in an iframe and you want to have the ability to “clear” the canvas without reloading the entire page. This example was created using p5.js and the html was loaded into an iframe. After drawing on this canvas, it can be cleared by clicking the “Clear Canvas” … Continue reading WordPress: How to create an iframe refresh button
WordPress: How to make a custom Enlighter theme for code highlighting
According to this page: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/custom-background-color-5/ The regular Enlighter plugin themes are stored in this minified css file: /wp-content/plugins/enlighter/resources/EnlighterJS.min.css and the css files for the Enlighter plugin themes can be found here: /wp-content/plugins/enlighter/views/themes/ for example: /wp-content/plugins/enlighter/views/themes/mootwo.css However, to create a new custom Enlighter css theme and have it show up in the Enlighter plugin options, I … Continue reading WordPress: How to make a custom Enlighter theme for code highlighting