Python: How to install WinPython and Jupyter Notebook

To use Python with a Jupyter Notebook for Data Science and other projects, you will first need to make sure you have Python 3 and Jupyter Notebook installed. There are Jupyter Notebook installation instructions here: This site recommends installing Anaconda, which bundles installation of Python 3 with Jupyter Notebook, which is just fine. However, … Continue reading Python: How to install WinPython and Jupyter Notebook

JavaScript: How to install JavaScript kernel in Jupyter Notebook

It is possible to run JavaScript (Node.js in REPL mode) in a Jupyter Notebook on a Windows machine. In order to do so, you will need to install the JavaScript (Node.js) kernel. This can be done easily assuming Node.js, npm, and Jupyter Notebook are already installed on your machine. The following instructions are for adding … Continue reading JavaScript: How to install JavaScript kernel in Jupyter Notebook