Node.js: How to launch a temporary server and view output in a web browser

Once you have successfully written some node.js code and have viewed the results via command line, (see my previous article about this, linked below) the next logical step is to be able to write node.js code that can use HTML and be viewable in a web browser. To view node.js output in a web browser, … Continue reading Node.js: How to launch a temporary server and view output in a web browser

Node.js: How to write node.js code locally and test using the command line

The first thing we want to do when getting ready to code in node.js is make sure that Node and NPM are installed on our machine. Start by opening a command window and type the command node -v. Then check to confirm that NPM is installed also using the command npm -v: Once that is … Continue reading Node.js: How to write node.js code locally and test using the command line

Node.js: How to install Node + npm and confirm the installation in less than 5 minutes

To install node.js, start at the website: Then click the green box to download the .msi. This will download the “node-v9.8.0-x64.msi” to your downloads folder. Then click the .msi to install node. I chose to change the path to C:\nodejs . Then once the installation is complete, restart your computer. Once the computer … Continue reading Node.js: How to install Node + npm and confirm the installation in less than 5 minutes

JavaScript: How to use NPM to install packages

NPM or “npm” stands for Node Package Manager. It is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. The NPM program is installed on your computer when you install Node.js. The website contains hundreds of thousands of free open source code packages that can be downloaded and used via npm. Downloading Individual … Continue reading JavaScript: How to use NPM to install packages

JavaScript: How to install JavaScript kernel in Jupyter Notebook

It is possible to run JavaScript (Node.js in REPL mode) in a Jupyter Notebook on a Windows machine. In order to do so, you will need to install the JavaScript (Node.js) kernel. This can be done easily assuming Node.js, npm, and Jupyter Notebook are already installed on your machine. The following instructions are for adding … Continue reading JavaScript: How to install JavaScript kernel in Jupyter Notebook

JavaScript: How to install Node.js on Ubuntu Linux

To install Node.js version 6.x on Ubuntu Linux VM, start by going here: Click on the DOWNLOADS link at the top, then click on the “Installing Node.js via package manager” link. Then under “Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distributions“, there are two commands to use. Run these commands, in order, in the Ubuntu terminal. … Continue reading JavaScript: How to install Node.js on Ubuntu Linux