MySQL: How to automatically update timestamp column in phpMyAdmin when a row is edited

I have a table in my database called “usercardsetplaycounts” that has a column called “updatedAt” that I want to get updated with a fresh timestamp every time a row is edited. When I originally set this column up, I set the default to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. Here is what it looks like in phyMyAdmin: The updatedAt date … Continue reading MySQL: How to automatically update timestamp column in phpMyAdmin when a row is edited

WordPress: How to create a local copy of a live site for development and testing

In this article, I will detail how to make a local “dev” copy of my live WordPress blog for the purpose of testing new styles, developing plugins and experimenting with new themes. My live WordPress blog is at On my local Windows PC I have Bitnami WAMP stack installed, which includes an Apache2 server, … Continue reading WordPress: How to create a local copy of a live site for development and testing

Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom

In this article, I will demonstrate how to run queries from within Atom using a package called ‘Data Atom’. Step 1: Install Data Atom package Warning: Before attempting to install any packages in Atom, make sure you disable any real-time virus or malware protection programs you have running, such as Malwarebytes. In the Atom Settings … Continue reading Atom: How to run MySQL queries in Atom using a package called Data Atom

MySQL: How to install a test database and confirm the installation

Now that I have installed PHP and MySQL: How to install PHP/MySQL and confirm the installation I wanted to start using MySQL so I searched for a sample database full of data that I could install for testing. I found this “Employee Sample Database” on the website: The instructions for installation: led … Continue reading MySQL: How to install a test database and confirm the installation

How to install PHP/MySQL and confirm the installation

The quickest way I found to install PHP and MySQL was to download the Bitnami WAMP stack module, which also installs a fresh Apache 2 server. See: The installer I found for Windows 10 was called “bitnami-wampstack-7.1.14-0-windows-x64-installer.exe”. In running the installation, Bitnami creates a folder for apache2, php, and mysql here: C:\Bitnami\wampstack-7.1.14-0 Bitnami also … Continue reading How to install PHP/MySQL and confirm the installation